National Nutrition week activities in India

National Nutrition week activities in India From September 1 to September 7, National Nutrition Week is held in India to promote awareness of this idea. National Nutrition Week's primary motive. Eat with more awareness... Place a bowl of fruit on the table. If you don't like a vegetable, give it another chance. enroll in a cooking class. Create a dish that is balanced and healthful. Get together with coworkers for lunch. Get a nutrition book that will change your life.

National Nutrition week activities in India

from September 1 to September 7, National Nutrition Week is held in India to promote awareness of this idea. National Nutrition Week’s primary motive.

Eat with more awareness…

Place a bowl of fruit on the table.

If you don’t like a vegetable, give it another chance.

Enroll in a cooking class.

Create a dish that is balanced and healthful.

Get together with coworkers for lunch.

Get a nutrition book that will change your life.